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Monthly Archives: December 2007

So it seems I am not the only one who has a billion papers to write.

I feel slightly different today about school. In some ways I am glad that it is over and I am also sad. In some ways I feel like I havent really learned what i wanted to. I dont feel like I was challenged. I mean challenged in the way were I learn something usefull. Not some stupid crap that I am going to forget in a week. Not some paper I am going to stress myself out about and delete it after I get my grade. I wish school was different. School is supposed to prepare you for the “Real world”. Not the one you see on MTV, but the one were you give up on your dreams. Its like you have to accept “reality” and get some stupid job that sucks. Its easy to say that you are a writer or a superhero or whatever. It really comes down to if you are going to actually do it.

What do you want to be?

I am not going to give up on my dreams.

Alot of people seem to be living a life of lies.

Is this how you envisioned your life?

Is this what you wanted to be?

I wonder if i could go back and talk to myself if I would be happy? Would I be mad at myself? Would I be proud of myself? I will never know, because as of this moment, I cant go back in time. But I can remember. I wont forget my dreams. I will live them.


i really feel like this semester just started last week. and its almost over already. its ridiculous. whats even more ridiculous is that i really dont have any finals, just 75976732405690898 papers and projects to finish.  all this week. its so much that im not even sure where to begin. its insane.

this entire year has gone by so quickly. its 13 days until christmas. didnt last christmas just end? for real. i mean, i love this holiday. but each year i feel like it approaches more and more quickly. and i still have to get all my holiday shopping done. luckily i work in the mall, and breaks make great shopping times.

except, however, when there are WAYYYYYYY too many people in the mall. anyone who as ever worked in the mall during the holidays knows what i mean. thus why this has become my new obsession ( i know, im a little behind on that one)and with that im done. i should pobably be working on one project or another.

this band always cheers me up…but it sucks they broke up…that is also sad.


The second to last week is almost over.

For some reason I really think this semester has gone really slow. September seems like forever ago. Even though its only has only been a few months I am beat. I really am looking forward to sitting down on my couch and thinking about all the things that I can do with my free time.

Free time…seems like its been forever…

Irronically I am sick of writing and I am a writer. My mind just feels like mud. Considering the writer status mud is a pretty lame description but thats all I got right now. I just got to hold on a little longer. Its almost over.

Its so close I can taste it.


After reading Miller’s “The Dark Night of the Soul” I couldnt help but think about a video I saw last week in my social problems class. It was about children and violence and I was very surprised. Its interesting because most of the children murdered in cold blood and some are in jail for life and some will be out when they are 21. With the world changing at such a rapid pace some kind of standard law needs to be set. Just because a boy is a few months younger than another boy who is going away for life he is just going to be in jail till he is 21? That just doesnt seem right to me. I would say that we need a death penalty for kids but so many of these kids are so f*cked up that they would’nt give a sh*t about dying. You can’t scare kids who arent scared.

So what do you do?


How many bands would perform a new song on a live show?

I say one million scene points for the Moz.


Yikes…I almost forgot about this…


Its that time of year…

The holidays are around the corner and the semester is winding up. My friend and I were talking about how crazy the next week or so is for most writing arts majors because we dont really have finals, we have papers and projects and they are all due in the next week and a half. We talked about how it is making us go crazy. There doesnt seem to be enough time in the day. My friend laughed, as he walked away he said “I’m the fastest man in the world!”Hmmmm…I thought that was the Flash, Wally West or Barry Allen depending on when you were born, so could the Flash survive being a writing arts major? He can defeat villians like Captain Cold and Mirror Master but could he deal with the countless essays and articles? I think he could. After all, the Flash is a superhero. He could save us. Rowan is like a supervillian destroying the minds of all the writing arts majors minds.Maybe its not to late for me. My mind feels like mud but I think there still is some activity. Static noise is at least noise. Right?


 love it. simply freaking love it.
